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Glass Stone

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20 Pcs Random Mix Lampw...

20 Pcs Random Mix Lampwork Handmade Glass Cabochons

Size about 14mm ~25mm, Jewelry Making pendants without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 48.00 INR

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100 Pcs Uneven shape Gl...

100 Pcs Uneven shape Glass Coral Stone, in size about 8~16mm

Uneven shape Glass Coral Stone, in size about 8~16mm, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project coral replica glass stone

₹ 38.00 INR

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50 Pcs Red color Triang...

50 Pcs Red color Triangular shape, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

Red color Triangular shape, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 38.00 INR

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100 pcs pack, drop shape mix glass stone in size about 12x15mm
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100 pcs pack, drop shap...

100 pcs pack, drop shape mix glass stone in size about 12x15mm

without hole glass stone for art and crafts project drop shape mix glass stone in size about 12x15mm

₹ 38.00 INR

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50 Pcs Glass Square stone peach color without hole glass stone for art and crafts project
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50 Pcs Glass Square sto...

50 Pcs Glass Square stone peach color without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

Glass Square stone peach color without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 29.00 INR

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100 Pcs Mix Oval boat shape glass stone without hole glass stone for art and crafts project
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100 Pcs Mix Oval boat s...

100 Pcs Mix Oval boat shape glass stone without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

Size about 6x13mm, Mix Oval boat shape glass stone without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 39.00 INR

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30 Pcs Pkg. 20x20mm Glass Cube shape stone transparent mix color, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project
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30 Pcs Pkg. 20x20mm Gla...

30 Pcs Pkg. 20x20mm Glass Cube shape stone transparent mix color, without hole glass stone for ar...

Cube shape stone transparent mix color, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 38.00 INR

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10 Pcs, 27mm big  lime green color glass cabochons without hole glass stone for art and crafts project
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10 Pcs, 27mm big lime ...

10 Pcs, 27mm big lime green color glass cabochons without hole glass stone for art and crafts pr...

lime green color glass cabochons without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 38.00 INR

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100 Pcs Pkg. 14mm Glass...

100 Pcs Pkg. 14mm Glass Cabochon, Dotted, Peach color without hole glass stone for art and crafts...

14mm Glass Cabochon, Dotted, Peach color without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 58.00 INR

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100 Pcs Pkg. 12mm Blue ...

100 Pcs Pkg. 12mm Blue Glass Cabochon, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

12mm Blue Glass Cabochon, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 48.00 INR

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100 pcs pkg. Red coral ...

100 pcs pkg. Red coral color round glass cabochons, without hole glass stone for art and crafts p...

Red coral color round glass cabochons, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 78.00 INR

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50 Pcs 12mm size turquo...

50 Pcs 12mm size turquoise color glass stone round, without hole glass stone for art and crafts p...

12mm turquoise color glass stone round, without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 48.00 INR

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10 Pcs Pkg. Lampworkded...

10 Pcs Pkg. Lampworkded handmade Glass Flower decoration, glass cabochons

25mm size, Lampworkded handmade Glass Flower decoration, glass cabochons without hole glass stone for art and crafts project

₹ 48.00 INR

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